Wednesday, August 30, 2006

CrossFit at the Park

CrossFit superstars hammer out another WOD. These aren't before/after picutres....just father and son giving all of us a lesson.

Another Solid Workout

A CrossFit WOD and some muscle up practice for the CrossFit SurfCity crew. Now, where we gonna eat?

A CrossFit SurfCity Workout

CrossFit SurfCity hits some Olympic lift technique work and Hammers out "Helen" at the park. Good times.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

September Workout Dates Posted

I have posted the days when I know I will be at the park working out. (Hit the Workout Calendar link to see the Google Calendar of which I am most proud.) The other days are work days and I fit my workout in as I can, wherever I can.

Basically the workouts will be at 6:00 am and 5:00 pm. Come before work or after. Show up late and jump right problem. Stay for the teaching and ask questions for your specific goals. Most of all, enjoy the workouts and meeting new people...I hope. (You'll meet me at the very least!)

Consult the calendar regularly for updates or changes!!!! I'll try not to change things up too much.

See you at the park.

Day 1: Laying the Foundation

The original CrossFit started with some forward-thinking people tossing their awesome workouts out into cyberspace hoping someone might be interested in seeing what this crew was up to. Sort of a modern day message in a bottle. We all know what happened after that (check out if you stumbled into my blog by mistake.)

Physical fitness is a passion of mine so I thought I might borrow from the CrossFit model. For now, I have a park, and some equipment I've collected over the years. And this blog where, if I can figure it out, I'll post my random thoughts for anyone or no one to see.

The Plan: I have an irregular schedule with my work. So, around the middle of the month, I will be posting my workout days for the following month. You will find me at the park on those days at the time listed. I'll train early in the AM or in the early evening. The workout will be the CrossFit WOD as written or with substitutions based on equipment. I also plan on teaching at these workouts. What is taught will depend on who shows up and what they want to learn.

What do I have to offer? I did practicum hours in the weight room at Ohio University and was able to learn from one of the greatest strength coaches around, Ethan Reeve. I then worked as a strength and conditioning coach at UCLA with non other than CrossFit Superstar Josh Everett and Stephanie Tracey. Both are currently D1 strength coaches and former coaches under Ethan Reeve. While at UCLA, I began learning from and competing for Coach Burgener...America's Olympic Lifting master. Later, I coached at Indiana University. Along the way my little brain was a sponge. I have volumes of notes, books, workouts and thoughts I gained from these incredible coaches and from working with some of the top athletes in the nation. O-lifts, kettlebells, speed and agility, basic strength....whatever your goals, I'd love to share what I've learned with you. As Dan John says, all you have to do is show up.

See you at the park.